Psychology of Music
Price 40.82 - 43.45 USD
PSYCHOLOGY OF MUSIC by CARL E. SEASHORE. Origianlly published in 1919. Preface: In a series of reports from the laboratory-studio for the Psychology of Music, Carl E. Seashore has presented to Journal readers specimens of scientific findings dealing with various phases of the psychology of music. Appearing in the October issue of the Journal will be the tenth in a series, which will deal with the problem of the tempered scale a , is a monograph which marks a ne v vantage ground in the psychology of music. It covers a restricted field in which it has permanent value and should, therefore, not be revised, but supplemented. In the present volume, I have aimed to avoid duplication of that work to which this is a logical sequel. Concentration in this field of work has been favored by a generous attitude on the part of the University of Iowa toward this project and through a series of generous fellowships provided by Mr. George Eastman, the National Research Council, the Guggen heim Foundati