Restoration Comedy 1660-1720
Price 36.86 - 37.67 USD
RESTORATION CARNIVAL. Contents include: PREFACE page 7 INTRODUCTION 9 I SIR CHARLES SEDLEY 27 His selected poems 45 II SIR GEORGE ETHEREGE 71 His selected poems 91 III CHARLES SACKVILLE, EARL OF DORSET 109 His selected poems 128 IV JOHN WILMOT, EARL OF ROCHESTER 149 His selected poems 183 V JOHN SHEFFIELD, DUKE OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE 213 His selected poems 23 1 EPILOGUE 247 BIBLIOGRAPHY 249 INDEX OF FIRST LINES 254. When Night Darkens the Streets then wander forth the Sons Of Belial, flown with insolence and wine. MILTON, Paradise Lost, I, 500-502 Then our Age was in ifs Prime, Free from Rage, and free from Crime, A very Merry, Dancing, Drinking, Laughing, Quaffing, and unthinking Time. JOHN DRYDEN, The Secular Masque, 1700 Lord, what would they say Should their Catullus walk that way W. B. YEATS, The Scholars Preface: When Pope in his Epistle to Augustus wrote of the Wits of either Charless days, The Mob of Gentlemen who wrote with Ease Sprat, Carew, Sedley, and a hundred more, Like twink