Destined To Soar

Price 13.49 - 15.25 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781934769218

Far too many of us who call ourselves Christians these days seem to be constantly tied down to earthly concerns. Our hearts long to soar in the heavenlies with Christ, and yet we seem to flap about in short bursts of flight rather than consistently sailing high, as we know we were intended to do. The problem is easy to see, but what is the solution? How can we cut the strings that seem to tie us down to earthly things? How can we learn to soar above our cares and the storms that seem to surround us on every side? Can the eagle teach us something? Surely there"s an answer for us in the sacred Scriptures. We were Destined to Soar, not to be held down by the circumstances of life.