Always Being Ready

Цена 23.13 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781934769256


Страниц 196

Год выпуска 2009

It is one of the tragedies of our time that millions of Christians struggle to maintain a closer relationship with their Creator. Clearly this is not the will of a loving heavenly Father. As His beloved children, we need to know that He is with us daily, and we need to know that we are on good enough terms with Him that when we call upon Him for help in whatever situation, He will answer us. The problem is that we don't know what to do when something arises that hinders that relationship. Rather than run to God, our pride and willfulness all too often cause us to run the other way and to hide our sin, and this only complicates the situation. To make matters even worse, the enemy constantly torments us with these facts and tells us that God is so angry with us that He will never forgive what we have done. So, instead of turning quickly to God and seeking His help in the situation, we allow the enemy to cause us to draw back from our Creator because of shame, and we do nothing to resolve our guilt and pain. As a consequence, things only get worse.What can we do when we have failed morally or followed the flesh or listened to the twenty-first century crowd, and, as a result, we know that God is not pleased with us? The good news is that there is definitely hope for anyone in this situation. The Bible has clear answers for us, and it shows us that God is more eager to see a restoration of our relationship with Him than we are. If you currently find yourself in spiritual distr...