The Determination of Income for Child Support
Price 105.24 USD
This practical, ground-breaking guide walks you through the areas where income adjustments are most likely to be found. Includes guidance to Form 1040 and its supporting forms, completed tax forms keyed to footnoted spreadsheets, and detailed illustrations highlighting common adjustments.Information You Need for Proving or Opposing Child Support IncomeThe methods for reducing declared income pending divorce are as numerous as the reasons marriages disintegrate.A few examples of questionable methods are: loans to or from friends, padded payroll, sweetheart asset sales, barter, deductions of personal expenses, reduced work hours, delayed acceptance of contracts, unrecorded deposits, temporary write-offs, uncounted or inventory, and excessive retention of corporate earnings.These and many more pre-divorce parental tactics are covered in Nicholas Bourdeau"s practical book, The Determination of Income for Child Support. The author, a veteran of over 1,000 engagements, has condensed his decades of experience into an easy-to-understand guide to investigating, questioning, computing, and proving the amount of income a parent has available to pay child support.His book is loaded with hard-won tips and real-life illustrations showing where adjustments to Form 1040 income are either likely to be needed or should be opposed. For example: "On three occasions I have had ex-wives who were angry turn their offending ex-spouses over to the IRS. The result was uniform. The IRS...." Page 15.9 "The business owners who are investigated and their spouses have one thing in common - they are reluctant to disclose questionable business practices for fear those practices will become known to the IRS. This situation is both a lever and a lock...." Page 15.9 "The best way to avoid any possible problems being made public is to...." Page 15.10