Annual Report of the Iowa State Horticultural Society for the Year Volume 6

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781235844539

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated.1872 Excerpt: ... The Gilded Eumolyfhus (eumolyphus auratus, Say). This beautiful golden-greenish beetle, measuring from 0.45 to 0.53 of an inch long, and 0.25 to 0.30 of an inch across the spinous anterior wings, when folded; head dark green, approximating blue; is a very common friend, but is not unfrequently taken for an enemy, because it raises its young on dogbane (apocynum cannabinum), a worthless milk-weed, on which the mature insects are found depositing their eggs. The imago feeds on insects--not vegetables. The reading of this report was accompanied by some very interesting but desultory discussion. Report of Committee on Experimental Horticulture was called for but the committee was not prepared, and it was voted that they be allowed to hand in a written report to the Secretary. (Eeport not received.) A hearty vote of thanks was passed to those railroads which gave reduced rates to the members attending the meeting, viz: Burlington & Missouri, C. R. L & Pacific, Chicago & Northwestern, Dubuque Southwestern, Illinois Central, Central Iowa. The Des Moines Valley was the only railroad which refused this favor. Dr. Shaw moved that the next annual meeting be held at Des Moines. Motion lost. Mr. Kauffman moved that the place for holding the next meeting be fixed by the Executive Committee. Motion adopted. Mr. D. W. Adams was elected a delegate to attend the annual meeting of the Wisconsin Horticultural Society. RESOLUTIONS. Resolved, That the delegates appointed to attend the horticultural meetings in other States, be encouraged while there to spring the question of a general horticultural exhibition at the next Iowa State Fair. Resolved, That all exhibitors at the fall exhibition are requested to give a list of all articles they may have on exhibition to the chairman o...