The Life, Times and Correspondence of the Right REV. Dr. Doyle, Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin Volume 2
Price 30.73 - 33.42 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated.1861 Excerpt: ... APPENDICES. 529 addressed a brief refutation of it to the editor of Galiguani"s Messenger. This letter, after considerable delay, we have succeeded in exhuming. Dr. Clancy writes: " I was on the spot with the Prelate during the deplorable malady which deprived Ireland and Catholicism of an illustrious defender; and I hope that you will append my testimony, which contradicts in the most absolute manner the report spread through a spirit of malice, falsehood, and folly, upon the last moments of Dr. Doyle, and which announces (so unfoundedly) his apostaoy from the Catholic faith. As this imposture, enveloped as it is in so many and such delusive details, has been propagated in France, I think that the following facts will not be without interest. For four years previous to his ever-to-be-deplored death, no member of his family lived with the venerable Prelate. Thus, the narrative given to the Chaplain of the Molyneux Asylum, inserted in The Times, will be found to be totally unlike the truth; or rather a base calumny invented at pleasure. I am convinced that the holy Prelate died as he lived, closely united to the faith, and to the venerated head of the Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman Church; and this conviction is based upon the following circumstances: First, the holy sacrifice of the Mass was celebrated every Sunday, and several times during the week, in an oratory closely adjoining the bedchamber of the sick Prelate, Secondly, some days previous to his death I was with the worthy Prelate, when he requested Dr. Nolan (his successor) to hear his confession, ajter which he received the adorable Eucharist, with the most lively faith and the most affecting sentiments. Thirdly, I was kneeling beside his bed when the Rev. James Maher recited, some moments before h...