Stop Smoking
There are 4 sessions on 2 CDS and a booklet that takes you step by step throught the process. All you do is listen to the CDS each night before you go to sleep adn the 5 minute breathing session each morning upon awakening. On the second week you will listen to the deep commitment process that will teach your subconscious mind that you are a nonsmoker for life. You can be free from the cravings and withdrawals of smoking. Be free from cigarettes. Make a commitment that will affect you for the rest of your life. Your commitment and these CDs will make you a permanent non-smoker. Disconnect from the emotional reasons you smoke. Remove unconscious associations and triggers in your subconscious mind. Make a commitment, in a state of hypnosis, which will last a lifetime... Also, receive for free Appetite Zapper which helps you crave more nutritious and healthy foods so you don"t need to worry about weight gain once you are free from cigarettes.