Hand-book of Missouri; embracing exhibits of the agricultural, commercial, industrial ... interests of the state ...

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1880 Excerpt: ...extensively followed, though several hundred head of cattle, hogs and sheep, and some horses and inules, are exported aunually. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES. The county is divided into fifty-four school districts. Schools are in session from four to ten months during the year. The school population is: Whites, male,-2.1:7. female, 1,915; colored, male, 17; female, 8. Total. 3,057; of whom in the year UJ79 there were eurolled: Male, 1,332; female, 1,112. Total, 2,442. Total number of days attendance, 156,390; average number of scholars attending each day in county, 1,51)3,54£; average number of scholars attending eachday in. each school, 31.246; average salary of teachers: male, $57.85; female, $34.91, per month. Value ol school property in the county, $18,700, not inclnding. a German-English school at Hermaun, which has a building valued at about $10,000 and a fund of $10,080 more, the interest of which is aunually expended for school purposes. The expenditures for school. purposes (public schools only) forthe year 1879 were $14,077.17. V r i." CHURCHES.:.. There are thirty-two churches, of the following. denominations. Evangelical, eight; Lutheran, three Congregationalist, one; Presbyterian, six; Catholic six;. Baptist, three, and Methodist, five. The qhurches own 689.53 acres of land and some very fine church buildings, which are valued at about... TOWNS AND VILLAGES. Hermaun, the county seat and metropolis of tincounty/, is beantifully situated on the right bank of the.M i-:-" n i i River, at the entrance of Erene Creek. It contains about 1,500 inhabitants, almost exclusively Germans. It has three newspapers, "The Independent," " The Volksblatt," a German paper,. and "The Advertiser-Courier." The buildings are substantial, mo...