Hand-book of Missouri; embracing exhibits of the agricultural, commercial, industrial ... interests of the state ...

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1880 Excerpt: ...extensively followed, though several hundred head of cattle, hogs and sheep, and some horses and inules, are exported aunually. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES. The county is divided into fifty-four school districts. Schools are in session from four to ten months during the year. The school population is: Whites, male,-2.1:7. female, 1,915; colored, male, 17; female, 8. Total. 3,057; of whom in the year UJ79 there were eurolled: Male, 1,332; female, 1,112. Total, 2,442. Total number of days attendance, 156,390; average number of scholars attending each day in county, 1,51)3,54?; average number of scholars attending eachday in. each school, 31.246; average salary of teachers: male, $57.85; female, $34.91, per month. Value ol school property in the county, $18,700, not inclnding. a...