Timehri Volume 10; the journal of the Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1896 Excerpt: ...1883, this being done at the request of Mr. Jacob Conrad. The following donations were reported, for which the thanks of the Society were accorded:--To the Library:--Mr. F. V. McConnell--Boundary Question Blue Book. Gen. F. H. G Gorsira--Venezuelan Yellow Book, 1896, and Ven. Hand-Book, 1893. To the Museum:--32 Enlarged Photographs--ethnological por-1 Taken and given by F. traits of Makushi Indians, e:c.... J V. McConncll. 17 Pieces, Rare Pottery, stone bowls, celts 1 _ Ty _, j.... e 0.,, F. V. McConnell. and dippers, from aback of Skeldon 1 1 Specimen "tiger"s eye.Mineral--S. Africa...Mrs. Barratt. 1 Unique quartz celt...Conawarook Creek...James Leacock. Tobacco & native rice...Vryheid"s Lust...John Junor 6 Surinam toads..,Surinam......Dr. Odesnun. M, f „ T 1 Per G. S. Jenman, H. L. Nest of swallow...Leguan J J Straker. J Large beetle...Rupununi......J. Bentley. A special vote was accorded to Mr. F. V. McConnell for his valuable presents to the Museum. The meeting then terminated. ERRATA. On page 69, bottom line, for right bank read left bank. „ „ 94, line 6 from top, i860 should be i?8ot Other Times, other Manners. By the Editor. N looking through a file of old local papers we come upon interesting and amusing items, which throw side lights upon the manners and customs of the early part of this century, and go to shew what enormous strides have been made in less than a hundred years. Besides the great social revolution which resulted from the total abolition of slavery, there have been other changes, not perhaps so radical, but still noteworthy, some of which can be easily understood from the following extracts. Taking up first the Essequebo and Demerary Gazette of the 16th of June 1804, we are struck by its general meanness as compa...