Timehri Volume 10; the journal of the Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1896 Excerpt: ...1883, this being done at the request of Mr. Jacob Conrad. The following donations were reported, for which the thanks of the Society were accorded:--To the Library:--Mr. F. V. McConnell--Boundary Question Blue Book. Gen. F. H. G Gorsira--Venezuelan Yellow Book, 1896, and Ven. Hand-Book, 1893. To the Museum:--32 Enlarged Photographs--ethnological por-1 Taken and given by F. traits of Makushi Indians, e:c.... J V. McConncll. 17 Pieces, Rare Pottery, stone bowls, celts 1 _ Ty _, j.... e 0.,, F. V. McConnell. and dippers, from aback of Skeldon 1 1 Specimen "tiger"s eye.Mineral--S. Africa...Mrs. Barratt. 1 Unique quartz celt...Conawarook Creek...James Leacock. Tobacco & native rice...Vryheid"s Lust...John Junor 6 Surinam toads..,Surinam......Dr. Odesnun. M, f „ T 1 Per G. S. Jenman,...