
This novel is a conjecture biography of what could be happening in the United States right now-or, in a handful of years from now. It is an historical drama. Historical in the sense that virtually every detail is researched to be factual concerning weapon systems - present and projected capabilities, current and projected technologies, geography, economic relationships between countries, products and resources developed by a variety of countries, and political climate in the United States and around the world are interwoven with an entertaining, action-filled, political drama. The content of its message is very serious, especially to those of us who are distraught about the path our country seems to be taking to a cliff, but presented in a manner that does not take itself terribly seriously. What if there was a novel about a corrupt, enigmatic senior American politician with sights set on leadership on the world stage, A person who was willing, ready and scheming to sell out his own country in the trade? What if there was a story about a President who was using Arabs and Jews as pawns with the ultimate goal of their mutual destruction to clear his path towards world domination? A scheme so clandestine that only one man was in a unique position to see it coming. The Commander of an Army black operations commando team called S.H.A.D.O.W. understood that he faced certain branding as? a traitor and a quiet trial on the remote shores of Guantanamo Bay and speedy execution if he was discovered. The colonel also understood that if he did not use his teams to shut this plot down, America, as the Founders envisioned it, would cease to exist. What if S.H.A.D.O.W. Teams received authenticated orders from an unknown?source for two concurrent missions without knowing that S.H.A.D.O.W."s eradication was the primary objective. Colonel McCormick and S.H.A.D.O.W. were perceived as a threat by the Group, whose goals included world domination, by means of controlling money. If there was a story like that, so close to home, and timely, it would be a compelling and great adventure, and probably humorous! I hope you will enjoy this fast ride in the meantime.