
Цена 22.49 - 26.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781631857515

Брэнд Tate Publishing


Страниц 496

Год выпуска 2014

This novel is a conjecture biography of what could be happening in the United States right now-or, in a handful of years from now. It is an historical drama. Historical in the sense that virtually every detail is researched to be factual concerning weapon systems - present and projected capabilities, current and projected technologies, geography, economic relationships between countries, products and resources developed by a variety of countries, and political climate in the United States and around the world are interwoven with an entertaining, action-filled, political drama. The content of its message is very serious, especially to those of us who are distraught about the path our country seems to be taking to a cliff, but presented in a manner that does not take itself terribly seriously. What if there was a novel about a corrupt, enigmatic senior American politician with sights set on leadership on the world stage, A person...