Reengineering for Results: A Step-By-Step Guide

Price 24.50 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780527763039

For middle- and senior-level managers who are considering or implementing a reengineering initiative, and for members of redesign teams, this five-phase guide will hasten a successful completion of the process. The book begins with assessments to help you determine the extent of your reengineering projects - from quick hits to cross-functional business units. No matter which type of project it is, you will learn: * Six easy tools for conducting an organizational diagnosis. * How to redesign work processes from a customer perspective. * How to successfully communicate and sell the benefits of change internally to stakeholder groups. * How to take a critical look at the new work processes to determine resource requirements. * How to tell when a reengineering effort is headed off course (and what to do about it). * How to sustain reengineering successes through revised measurement systems and continuous learning. The book sums up with 12 pointers and pitfalls learned from companies that have successfully reengineered.