The Original Daredevil Archives Volume 1: Daredevil Battles Hitler (Original Dardevil Archives)
Price 34.48 - 46.35 USD
Beginning with the rare Golden Age Daredevil #1, which proudly announces "Daredevil Battles Hitler", this deluxe hardcover reproduces the thrilling, classic adventures of the original Daredevil, who famously gave ol" Adolf what for! Along with pals Nightro, Pat Patriot, and the Bronze Terror, Daredevil dishes out justice to Nazis, mobsters, sultry mummies, and the sorcerous Claw! This first volume includes all bonus comics and ads from issues #1 through #4, classic work by creators Charles Biro, Richard "Dick" Briefer, Jack Cole, Reed Crandall, Jerry Robinson, and more, and an informative introduction by Michael T. Gilbert!