Anneaux et cultures du Neolithique ancien: Production, circulation et utilisation entre massifs ardennais et armoricain (BAR International) (French Edition)
Price 212.50 USD
In this extensive research, the author’s petrographical, technological, typological and use-wear studies of arm rings/bands from the early Neolithic of northern France and Belgium provide many insights into the Paris Basin Bandkeramik and the Villeneuve-Saint-Germain/Blicquy cultures by reconstructing chaines operatoires and through the analyses of over 10,000 objects from 45 domestic, acquisition and production sites. The rings examined include examples of the iconic spondylus ring of the Paris Basin Bandkeramik, a powerful symbol that occurs throughout the Bandkeramik culture. Emphasis is also directed to clay rings that indicate relations with Alsace and assert regional styles, and the varieties of limestone artefacts that were probably linked to the origins of the first Danubian productions.