Profit Seekers: Finding Ways to Garner Additional Profits from Existing Products & Services and Launching New Initiatives to Spur Even Greater Profits (Inside the Minds)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781587622274

Profit Seekers is the most authoritative book ever written generating additional profits, written by an unprecedented collection of leading minds in the business world. These industry leaders reveal the secrets to generating additional profits from existing products/services, generating new profit ideas, developing new initiatives, leveraging existing resources, negotiating more favorable vendor terms, reducing expenses and implementing personal sales goals and commissions for every level executive. Also covered are specific, proven strategies to generating additional profits noticed practiced by leading executives that can be applied, altered or expanded upon by every executive. An unprecedented look inside the minds of some of the world"s most profitable leaders makes for critical reading for employees of all levels, executives, entrepreneurs, and anyone interested in being noticed as a profit generator in the company.