Skills@Work: Applying Technology: Module 3
Price 505.95 USD
The Skills@Work series provides a flexible and teachable approach to integrating critical entry-level workplace competencies into classroom and training situations. This modular curriculum uses a multimedia platform to engage users in realistic workplace experiences. Concepts and applications focus on the SCANS architecture. Technology is changing the face of almost every career. Understanding and adapting to new technologies can enhance one"s ability to stay competitive. In "Module 3", Applying Technology, the user will explore: 1. Overview of Workplace Technologies 2. Health Services Technologies 3. Retail Technologies 4. Business and Industrial Technologies 5. Communications Technologies 6. Trades and Services technologies 7. Aerospace, Aviation, and Transportation Technologies 8. Selecting and Applying Technologies 9. Maintaining and Troubleshooting Technologies All nine lessons will culminate in to one field study, allowing the user to apply what they have learned to a real life experience.