Living a Successful Life: How to Set and Achieve Meaningful Goals

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781592991600

The most important question in life is what should you do with it? What do you want and what will you become? This book contains a way for you to find a definitive answer to these questions and thereby live a successful life on your own terms. In order to live life on your terms, you need to develop the ability to discover personally meaningful goals. Once you discover your goals, you need a process that will unerringly lead you to achieve them. This book, in plain and simple terms, supplies the process that you need. If you follow the instructions set forth in this book you can, in a surprisingly short time acquire a self confidence that will lead to the attainment of a fulfilling life just the way you want. You will be free from doubt and indecision and able to focus your energy on the attainment of your goals. The power to create you life, just as you want it, is within you now. All you need is the key to the process that sets it all in motion. This book contains that key. What to do, why it works and how to do it are all fully revealed in this book. This book may be one of the most valuable books you have ever read. You can read this book and begin living a successful life on your own terms. Or you can put it down and move on. The choice is yours.