Yoga Philosophy and Practice

Advancing on your life path Bhakti, Hatha, Jnana, Karma, Kundalini (Iyengar) and Raja yogas Service, knowledge, love and liberation There are three sacred texts (i.e. giving the word of God) on Yoga: the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Svatmarama. These set out completely different paths: loving God, self knowledge and health. The Yoga Sutras in particular is shown in this book to be very strange. There are three sacred texts underpinning the philosophy of Hinduism (known as Vedanta): the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita and the Brahma Sutras. There is one text underlying Christianity: the Bible. One version of the bible differs from another. It has been subject to complex theological and political influences over the millennia. Even in the New Testament, Jesus says some nice things but some silly things. Christianity gives a fourth path, following Jesus. There is one sacred text underlying Islam: the Koran. Islam is a fifth way, "to submit to and serve God". The Gita, the Koran and the Yoga Sutras all state that you need to surrender to God in order to make progress on your life path. Hatha yoga is preparatory to this. They all say that you need to serve humanity. Unlike with the Bible and the Yoga texts, though, the Gita and Koran do not ask you to believe in magic. The author, with 57 years" of yoga practice, 40 years" of yoga teaching experience, and a deep study of these texts, has written this book from a practitioner"s perspective. He surrendered his body, mind and soul to God in 2002 and since has been practicing Bhakti yoga, with a view to serving God by helping all nice people he meets to be happy. In this book he shows that the different texts highlight different paths that you may wish to follow: you need to choose. Whatever path you choose, you will find that Kundalini (Iyengar) yoga will help you to serve God better, by improving and maintaining your health. The author hopes that this book will help you to find your life path, to progress in it (using Kundalini or Iyengar) yoga to help you and to solve any physical, sexual, emotional, love, mental, spiritual or divine energy sphere issues you may have, and to become happier.