Israel and the United States: Six Decades of US-Israeli Relations
Price 42.10 - 45.00 USD
This unique volume intensively studies the nature and extent of USIsraeli relations, from 1948 through the Bush and Obama administrations. Leading experts in the field—including Israeli and North American scholars from a variety of political perspectives—contribute original essays on the principal political, religious, ethnic, military, economic, and juridical connections between the United States and Israel. Specific topics covered in this new book include: the pro-Israel lobby in the United States; the US Jewish community and its relations to Israel; evangelical Christians and Israel; military and economic ties between the United States and Israel; the threat of a nuclear Iran for both countries; and the impact of American jurisprudence on Israel. Section introductions from the editor effectively contextualize the issues and provide students with an in-depth understanding of the past, present, and future of the USIsrael relationship.