Brand - Westview Press
Battle for the Wilderness
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State Versus Ethnic Claims: African Policy Dilemmas
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Understanding Central America: Global Forces, Rebellion, and Change, 5th Edition
EAN 9780813344218 36.27 USD -
Burkina Faso: Unsteady Statehood In West Africa (Nations of the Modern World: Africa)
EAN 9780813336800 40.85 USD -
The Fighting First: The Untold Story Of The Big Red One On D-day
EAN 9780813342184 27.50 USD -
Sao Tome and Principe: From Plantation Colony to Microstate (Profiles : Nations of Contemporary Africa)
EAN 9780813303802 -
Evolving Complexity And Environmental Risk In The Prehistoric Southwest (Santa Fe Institute Series)
EAN 9780201870404 45.85 USD -
Cultural Theory (Political Cultures Series)
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Household and Family Demography
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US Foreign Policy in the Twenty-First Century: Gulliver"s Travails (Dilemmas in World Politics)
EAN 9780813343693 26.36 USD -
A short history of Western philosophy
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Technology and Work in German Industry
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Export-orientated Development Strategies: The Success of Five Newly Industrializing Countries (Westview special studies in social, political, and economic development)
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The armed forces of the USSR
EAN 9780891582762