Buried Treasure: Hidden Wisdom from the Hebrew Language
Price 19.99 USD
Did you know the Hebrew letters for "man" and "woman" combine as mathematical symbols to produce the two words "God" and "fire"? Support this equation with the letters representing God"s name, and you stabilize the passion between the sexes in an enduring spiritual union. Popular author Rabbi Daniel Lapin digs into the "holy" Hebrew language -- which not only conveys data but, as linguists know, also contains it. On a fascinating treasure hunt, his book decodes eternal wisdom embedded in the ancient tongue on relationships, human pleasure, life"s meaning, and more. With real-life anecdotes, drawn from his lifetime in the rabbinate, the author uncovers a wealth of insights intended for our enrichment and enjoyment. A practical, easy read which will fascinate, entertain, and instruct us in the awesomeness of the Lord"s language.