Tag - Hebrew Bible (Old Testament)
The Origins of Biblical Monotheism: Israel\"s Polytheistic Background and the Ugaritic Texts
EAN 9780195167689 32.06 USD -
Joseph: A Man of Integrity and Forgiveness (Great Lives Series: Volume 3)
EAN 9780849913426 22.99 USD -
Exodus (The NIV Application Commentary)
EAN 9780310206071 29.67 USD -
Who Ate Lunch with Abraham?
EAN 9781935906605 14.95 USD -
Text Messages: A Torah Commentary for Teens
EAN 9781580235075 24.36 USD -
The Navarre Bible: Pentateuch (The Navarre Bible: Old Testament)
EAN 9781889334219 39.95 USD -
The Documentary Hypothesis
EAN 9789657052358 14.54 USD -
The Chumash: The Stone Edition, Full Size (ArtScroll) (English and Hebrew Edition) The Torah: Haftaros and Five Megillos with a Commentary Anthologized from the Rabbinic Writings
EAN 9780899060149 45.23 USD -
JPS Torah Commentary: Genesis
EAN 9780827603264 62.52 USD -
Introduction to the Hebrew Bible
EAN 9780800629915 52.82 USD -
Commentary on the Torah
EAN 9780060507176 27.07 USD -
Moses and Monotheism (Paperback)
EAN 9780394700144 9.69 USD -
The Millionaires of Genesis: Their Prosperity Secrets for You! (The Millionaires of the Bible Series)
EAN 9780875162157 14.21 USD -
How to Read the Jewish Bible
EAN 9780195325225 23.17 USD