Commercial Fish Decoys
Price 29.95 USD
Collecting spear fishing decoys is rapidly gaining popularity. Over 350 color photos of commercial decoys from both major and minor manufacturers. Decoys from more than 100 companies in both the United States and Canada. AUTHORBIO: Frank Baron grew up fishing with his dad and uncles in Detroit, Michigan and has always been intrigued by winter ice fishing, its methods, and the related tools of the trade. He is chairman of the Fish Decoy Division of the National Fishing Lure Collectors Club and co-founder of the Great Lakes Decoy Collectors and Carvers Association. REVIEW: This book documents major and minor manufacturers of commercial decoys and commercial ice fishing items. The author wanted to preserve and document the history of these items and companies, many of which are unknown. Details on the sport of spear fishing begin the book and give the reader a better understanding of the sport before studying the collectible items associated with it.