Essentials of RoboHelp HTML 9 : Skills & Drills

Price 45.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781891762635

Brand IconLogic

No Faster Way to Master the essentials of RoboHelp HTML 9! RoboHelp HTML is NOT just an HTML Authoring tool. Instead, RoboHelp HTML was created specifically to produce HTML Help for Windows 95, 98, 2000, and NT 5.0. You"ll find this book to be an easy-to-use, step-by-step tutorial that will have you creating HTML Help systems within two short days. Here"s some of the lessons covered in this book: The Basics: Create a New RoboHTML Project, Explore RoboHTML, Explore the Project Pane, Change the Project Title, Add Text to an Existing Topic, Add a New Topic, Rename Topics and Files, Change the Title Text in an Existing File, Change the Project"s Default Topic, Create a Book, Remove a Book, Rename a Book, Move Books, Add Topics to Books, Compile a Project Formatting Text: Import a Text Files into RoboHTML, Rename Imported Topics, Create and work with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Use Inline Styles , Create and use Font Sets, Create and Use a Character Style, Spell Check, Use Multi-File Find and Replace Links: Add Hyperlinks to Existing Topics, Add an Independent Topic, Add Popups, Change Window Types, Use Link View, Create Single Source Output (WebHelp, OracleHelp and Printed Documentation) Graphics: Insert Graphics, Resize an Inserted Graphic, Add Alternative Text to a Graphic, Add a Background Image to a Topic, Add Hotspots to a Graphic, Add Watermarks, Add Sound, Add Multimedia Elements ActiveX Controls: Add a Shortcut Help Object, Add a Close Window Help Object, Add a Horizontal Line, Insert a Symbol, Add a Related Topics Help Object, Add a Splash Screen Help Object DHTML, Triggers, Moveable Text Boxes, Tables, and Forms: Insert a Table, Format a Table, Add Custom Bullets to Paragraphs, Add Numbers to Paragraphs, Format Text Using Dynamic HTML, Create Moveable Text Boxes, Create and Use Triggers, Create an online Form (with Text Boxes, Radio Buttons, Check Boxes, a Drop Down Menu, and Submit and Reset Buttons) Indexing, Glossaries & Reports: Add Index Entries with the WYSIWYG Editor, Add Keywords with the Topic Properties, Add Keywords with the Index Designer, Create a Glossary, Create a Multilevel Index, Change the Status of a Topic, Generate a Report Frames, Browse Sequences, Application Help, Shortcuts, & Shipping Issues: Create a New Frameset, Modify Frame Controls, Link Topics into Frames, Create a Custom Window, Create a Browse Sequence, Create and Use Map Files, Create Aliases/Application Help, Add a Shortcut to the Desktop