Essentials of RoboHELP Classic 9
Learn RoboHELP Classic 9 Fast! It wasn"t all that long ago that creating Help systems took extensive programming knowledge. Not any more. You"ll learn to use RoboHELP Classic 9, and find it almost TOO easy to create even complex Help projects. RoboHELP is arguably the best Windows-based Help authoring tool for the PC. And here at last is an easy-to-use tutorial that will have you creating Help systems within two short days. Here"s exactly what you"ll learn: Module 1 Lessons: The Basics Create a Standalone RoboHELP Project, Explore the RoboHELP Explorer, Explore the Project Manager, Change Project Settings, Create and Rename Books, Move Books, Create Topics, Explore the RoboHELP Toolbar, Compile a Help System, How to Rename RoboHELP Projects, Learn about RoboHELP"s Footnote Symbols Module 2 Lessons: Text Formatting and Style Sheets Create a New Project, Create New Books, Create New Topics, Insert Word Files into RoboHELP, Use the Replace Command, Modify Paragraph Styles, Compile and Run a Project, Create and Use Character Styles, Create a Custom Keyboard Shortcut, Spell Check Module 3 Lessons: Links Explore a Formatted Word Document, Create a New Project, Import a Word Document into a Project, Rename an Imported Word Document, Import Styles into a Word Document, Delete a Document from a Project, AutoCreate a TOC, Add Jumps to Existing Topics, Jumps to New Topics, Add Links and Create New Topics, Automatically Create, Create a Mid-Topic ID Module 4 Lessons: Graphics The Images and Multimedia Folder, The BMROOT Folder, Dynamic WYSIWYG vs. True Code, Add a Graphics Folder to a Help Project, Add Graphics to a Help Project, Resize an Image, Add Hotspots to a Graphic,Add a Help Multimedia Animation, Single Source to Printed Documentation, Single Source to WebHelp Module 5 Lessons: Testing Test Jumps, Convert a .JPG Graphic into a Bitmap, Use the ReSize Program to Resize a Graphic, Use ActiveTest, Use ActiveEdit to Navigate, Create a Table, Review the Error Wizard, Jump Between Topics Using Help Author Mode, Use Link View, Use Topics View Module 6 Lessons: Indexing Use the Smart Index Wizard to Generate an Index, Add K Index Entries with Project Manager, Add K Index Entries with the Index Designer, Add Multiple Topics to an Existing Keyword, Add Keywords from within Word, Create a Multilevel Index, Create A-Keywords, Create a Help Button, Generate a Report Module 7 Lessons: Customizing Change a Project’s Browse Sequence, Change the Appearance of a Main Window, Change the Color for the Main Window, Change the Size of the Main Window, Set Non-scrolling Regions for a Topic, Control the Numbering of Paragraphs, Add a Jump, Change the Window Type for a Topic, Modify a Jump, Add a Window Title to the Secondary Window, Set the Popup Window Color Module 8 Lessons: Screen Captures, WinHelp 2000 and Application Help Create a Screen Capture, Add a New Topic and Insert a Graphic, Move a Topic into a Book, Link Popup Topics to a Graphic, Use WinHelp 2000, Add a Watermark to the Project, Preview an Application Needing Application Help, Review the Ship List, Copy Files to the Desktop, Review a Diagnostics Report, Automatically Add Map IDs to Existing Topics, Create a Custom Map Number, Context Sensitive Help, Create a Topic to be Context Sensitive, Import a Map File, Test Context Sensitive Help, Compress the Project, Add a Shortcut to the Desktop