A Thematic Unit About SOUTHWEST INDIANS (Native Peoples of the Americas Series) Grades 3-6
Price 8.60 USD
The rich heritage of the first Americans is explored in this cross-curricular volume. Students will learn about the history and culture of native groups who inhabited the southwestern part of the United States and northern Mexico when the European colonists arrived. Careful attention is paid to the customs and beliefs of these peoples. Their legends, philosophies, and forms of government are discussed, and their origins, language, names, dwellings, tools, food, games, and crafts are studied. Activities include: mapping, survival word web, communication, reporting on an eagle hunt, make up your own legend, what"s in a name, and a mini-movie. Projects include: weaving a web, building a pueblo village, making a set of musical pipes, making piki bread, making a kachina doll, dressing as a southwest native, and sand painting, plus geography, games, pictographs, and a time line. Generously illustrated with pencil art throughout. Includes answer key and bibliography. All 48 pages perforated for easy removal.