My Community
What a community is, and what it means to be a part of it, are two of the important questions answered for young students in this complete thematic unit. It begins with the classroom environment and discusses The Feeling of Community in Your Classroom and Beyond. Ideas and plans for Getting Started -- A Community Bus Tour are also provided. Other topics and activities include: What Is a Community? My School Community, Each Part Is Important to the Whole (a picture puzzle of community roles), Beyond the School (mapping your community and illustrated pages for a student-made book titled A Guide to My Community), A Community Mobile, Rules in a Community, Do-Your-Own-Thing School (a picture of a school without rules), Communities Are Different, Rural, Suburban or Urban? (cut-out pictures and labels), Communiteis Are Alike, From Here to There and Back Again (connect-the-dots), Transportation in My Community, All Towns Have Places Where People Shop, Communities Have Places for Fun and Learning, Communities Provide for the Health and Safety of the People Who Live There, Where Does the Garbage Go?, How Does Water Get to Your House? (a mapping exercise), Farms vs. Factories, My Community Meets Its Needs (a writing exercise), suggested books for Learning with Literature, The Past and the Present in My Community, Workers in the Community, Producers and Consumers in My Home, Producers and Consumers in the Community, Businesses that Provide the Services We Need, Producers and Their Products, People Who Have Special Jobs, Making Cookies to Show Division of Labor, After the Cookies Are Made (a recipe for gingerbread dough), Around My Community (a crossword puzzle), Designing a Community (class or individual project with reproducible street layout and components, such as store fronts), Community Members Work Together, and Build It Up (a game about communities with component and question cards). Also features a full-color, two-sided pull-out poster with a Game Board for Build It Up on one side and Helping Your Community on the other. Teaching suggestions provided. Includes bibliography, and complete step-by-step instructions for all activities. All pages are reproducible and perforated for easy removal.