How to Repair Old-Time Radios
Price 12.95 USD
If you"re a collector of old radios, or if you simply want to get that old-time radio that"s been sitting in your attic back into working condition, this practical nuts-and-bolts book will show you how to do it the right way! Without any previous knowledge of radio electronics, you can locate trouble spots, repair defective parts, or find out how to obtain replacements for obsolete tubes and other components. This factual, well-illustrated guide for the novice explains all the subtleties and nuances of a bygone technology. You"ll find yourself able to repair equipment made before you were born. This book is chock-full of information you just can"t find anywhere else... vital guidance on troubleshooting old circuits and finding substitutes for obsolete, irreplaceable parts. Hallmark starts out by introducing you to general troubleshooting procedures, then goes on to specific circuits and their problems. There"s also a handy guide to pinning down the cause of problems like weak and distorted reception, hum, whines and squeals, intermittent crackling, and all the other troubles that seem to plague old-fashioned radio equipment. Hallmark even shares his "bag of tricks," giving you top-flight, can"t miss methods of curing sick radio parts - or finding substitutes for the dead ones. Receiver tune-up is also given thorough treatment so you can coax top performance from even the most stubborn old radio set. Clayton Hallmark is a qualified electronics technician with an extensive background in radio repair and teaching others to repair radios. He is a veteran author on electronics parts.