Tag - Radio Operation
Radio Frequency Interference: How to Find It and Fix It (Radio Amateur\"s Library, Publication No. 149.)
EAN 9780872593756 18.00 USD -
Car Stereo Speaker Projects Illustrated (TAB Electronics Technical Library)
EAN 9780071359689 40.56 USD -
Pirate Radio and Video: Experimental Transmitter Projects (Electronic Circuit Investigator)
EAN 9780750673310 55.88 USD -
Master handbook of ham radio circuits
EAN 9780830678013 -
Practical Radio Servicing
EAN 9780070402836 -
Complete Guide to Amateur Radio
EAN 9780131599215 -
Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur
EAN 9780872592018 -
Passport to World Band Radio 1996
EAN 9780914941378 19.95 USD -
Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur
EAN 9780872590403 15.00 USD -
Amateur Radio Theory Course
EAN 9780912146133 9.95 USD -
Arrl\"s Hf Digital Handbook
EAN 9780872599154 19.95 USD -
Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur
EAN 9780872593855 10.00 USD -
VHF-UHF Manual
EAN 9780900612312 -
Antenna Zoning : For the Radio Amateur
EAN 9780872598218 49.95 USD