The Trust Prescription for Healthcare: Building Your Reputation with Consumers (Ache Management Series)
Price 63.73 - 78.00 USD
If you built your reputation on trust, who would your competitors be? With the healthcare industry under increasing suspicion, hospitals and other healthcare providers must seek out ways of building trust, both within their organizations and throughout the community. David Shore’s upcoming The Trust Prescription for Healthcare tells providers and organizations how to build their capacity for trust and trustworthiness and how to turn that capacity into a trusted reputation and brand. The data are compelling: trust and a reputation as a trusted provider are at once good medicine, good business, and great leadership. Providers and organizations who make the investment in trust will find that they become more effective and efficient, both clinically and administratively. This book will guide readers in building a "trust capacity" with questions, ideas, and examples. The book will also spell out the return on investment (ROI) that organizations can expect from building the trust brand. This book provides readers with tools, strategies, and techniques they can put to use in rebuilding their department, service, or organization into a trustworthy one.