Teaching Learning Strategies and Study Skills To Students with Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorders, or Special Needs, 3rd Edition (For Middle School & High School)
Price 38.00 USD
This book features 169 reproducible activities which provide opportunities for active learning and student practice in the study skills and strategies most important for students with special needs. Teaching students with special needs to use study skills and strategies effectively is an important step in transforming these students into independent learners. In addition to the reproducible activities themselves, each chapter in this book contains suggestions for using the activities, mastery assessment, and an answer key. Also, a FREE trial version of a computerized assessment called 3S-SE (Study Skills and Strategies Assessment-Special Edition) is included with every copy of the book. 3S-SE assesses the skills and strategies taught in this book, and this trial version can be used to identify students" strengths and weaknesses in their use of important study skills and strategies. The trial version is in a CD-ROM format that can be used for both Windows and Macintosh. For special educators at the elementary through high school levels.