Social Work, Social Welfare, and American Society (5th Edition)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780205335190

B> Written by two of the best-known authors in social work today, this book discusses the values, ethics, and knowledge needed by social workers. In addition, this book provides a political perspective on social welfare, with definitions of liberal, conservative, and radical positions, to help readers better appreciate the political context of social welfare programs. Provides readers with strong coverage of diversity issues, and gives readers a broad view of how diversity issues affect all of us, our clients, and our profession. The author includes three comprehensive chapters on poverty, covering theory, economics, and past and present anti-poverty programs. "Social Work Destinations" featured throughout the book direct readers to museums and sites related to social welfare issues, such as Hull House, the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, and the Museum of African American History. Social Workers, and those interested in the Social Welfare System.