Can You See Them Now? (Elephants in Our Midst!): Discover the Hidden Elephants that are Lurking in Your Organization or Work Team... Then Vanquish Them!
Price 13.46 - 14.95 USD
This book is a "must read" for Leaders. It is as much about keen leadership as it is about the organizational elephants that take up residence in organizations, work groups and work teams--whether it be in the boardroom, the back-room or the factory floor. The very existence of elephants means trouble. Some organizations and work-teams are trampled by their own elephants. Is your organization or work group being the best that it can be? Do you sense how much more effective your organization or workteam could be if the people in it could just have better harmony, civility or cohesiveness? To all be moving forward together? Sometimes the elephants in the room can reach the point that people dread going to work--yet no one knows how to call the Big Elephant Game. It can get ugly. It doesn"t have to be that way. The deeper threads of authentic leadership that are woven throughout this book provide powerful insights for leaders! Claire Knowles" how-to-coaching to lift up and address those elephants that plague our respective organizations is powerful--yet as she shows us, is easy to apply. Insightful, straight-forward guidance for every leader, manager, boss and supervisor! You can discover the hidden elephants that are lurking in your organization or work-team, and then vanquish them! The author provides you the roadmap that never fails.