BALD IS BEAUTIFUL --- My Journey to Becoming

You will always find that there is not shortage of heartfelt stories all over the world today, but it is only a few that stand out, mostly due to an amazing person willing to share their experiences in a way that gives hope and confidence to millions of others. Jodi Pliszka is one of those great people. From the moment I met her, and had the opportunity to be her mentor on American Inventor, I knew that she was driven, committed and has the kind of persona that makes you wish more people possessed. Jodi"s story is a journey of hope, love and respect. Her passion for life is something that would sell for millions, if it could be bottled! A truly beautiful person with an amazing heart and a dream that came true. So, here"s to Jodi"s dream and yours, whatever that may be. -Peter Jones, British Tycoon, Creator and Judge on ABC TV"S AMERICAN INVENTOR SHOW I had a chance to meet Jodi while I was hosting the TV show American Inventor on ABC. I was immediately struck by how Jodi stood out like an amazingly bright positive ray of sunshine among the hundreds of inventors who were starving for wealth and fame. I was overwhelmed, inspired and blown away by Jodi"s positive energy, inner power and drive to make a difference in the world! It was this unrelenting drive and desire to help others that have empowered her and all those who have had the luck to come in contact with this amazing human being. This book is a testament to Jodi"s desire to reach out and inspire all those in the world who have their own struggles, and to show people that anything is possible as long as you have the courage to believe! I"m so grateful that I have had the chance to meet Jodi and have her impact my life in such a positive inspirational way. I believe that reading this book will have the same positive inspirational impact! -Matt Gallant, Celebrated TV Host, Animal Planet"s "Planets Funniest Animals," ABC TV"s American Inventor, Make A Wish Foundation/Philanthropist From the moment Jodi walked onto the stage I knew she had a power and presence that could not be dismissed. Her inspiration and drive can be felt in every page of what I now call "life"s instruction manual" that every one should own. Jodi can turn any situation into a winning moment as you will see when you travel on her unbelievable journey. Never say "never" to this powerhouse of energy and positiveness because if you prepared my friends, your life will definitely change. -Ed Evangelista, Executive Creative Director JWT NY and Judge on ABC-TV"s American Inventor. Jodi Pliszka tells a story of trial and triumph that will encourage even the hardest hearted person to believe reinvention---of your self, your ideas, your dreams--is possible. Bravo to one brave and resilient woman!" -Mary Lou Quinlan, author "Just Ask a Woman, Cracking the Code of What Women Want And How They Buy" and Judge, ABC"s American Inventor Jodi is a poster child for energy, enthusiasm and never-say die-passion. Read, listen and learn from her if you want a jolt of inspiration to turn your dream into reality. -Doug Hall, Eureka! Ranch, Founder/CEO, Entrepreneur, Master Inventor, Judge ABC"S American Inventor.