Bald Is Beautiful --- My Journey to Becoming

Цена 15.26 - 25.73 USD

You will always find that there is not shortage of heartfelt stories all over the world today, but it is only a few that stand out, mostly due to an amazing person willing to share their experiences in a way that gives hope and confidence to millions of others. Jodi Pliszka is one of those great people. From the moment I met her, and had the opportunity to be her mentor on American Inventor, I knew that she was driven, committed and has the kind of persona that makes you wish more people possessed. Jodi"s story is a journey of hope, love and respect. Her passion for life is something that would sell for millions, if it could be bottled! A truly beautiful person with an amazing heart and a dream that came true. So, here"s to Jodi"s dream and yours, whatever that may be. -Peter Jones, British Tycoon, Creator and Judge on ABC TV"S AMERICAN INVENTOR SHOW I had a chance to meet Jodi while I was hosting the TV show American Inventor on ABC. I was immediately struck by how Jodi stood...