Nutrabolics Mass Fusion, Chocolate, 16-Pound
Price 80.99 USD
Remember when you first started training? Every time you hit the gym, you lifted heavier and heavier. Results came at lightning speed. Your buddies watched in awe as you packed on crazy mass. Friends who’d been in the iron game for a while warned that you should enjoy the ride while it lasted – that gains like these wouldn’t last forever. You were just a beginner, they insisted, and beginner results were always short-lived. But you just shrugged them off. You were going at full speed and nothing was going to stop you. But they were right. Now that you’ve been at it a while, it’s gotten harder and harder to pack on new muscle. No matter how extreme your workouts, your weight just won’t budge and the gains you really want keep eluding you. You’re stuck in a plateau, and you need something serious to help get you out of it! For veteran bodybuilders like yourself – or for those of you who are new to the sport but are struggling to add noticeable size – there’s MASSFUSION™. This scientifically formulated weight-gaining supplement will give your body the all-out calorie assault it needs to get bigger than ever before! Think bigger shoulders, a more mountainous chest, and a back and bi’s combo that will have everyone in awe. No matter what stage of the game you’re in, MASSFUSION can help you get bigger than you ever thought possible!