Price 20.16 - 22.87 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781593303853

Brand Aventine Pr

Dying Leaves is a coming of age story set principally in the 1960"s. A tale of childhood friends and lost innocence and learning late what does not matter. And so an odyssey begins as all odysseys must, with a glorious cause turned ruinous war. A love story. It is essentially Homer"s story replayed as it has been throughout history. Of would be heroes who prefer God"s grace over man"s hard won wisdom. Perhaps a different end, perhaps only in kind. Few will remember there was no glory and true heroes always die. War only confirms whatever men were before they came to it. And so it goes. Some will embrace their new found religion and others will cling to the old. The meaning remains in the hearts of true believers.