Exceeds Expectations: Take Control of Your Performance Review

Price 30.33 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781935547228

From the 16 year old wading through a first job to the seasoned executive nearing retirement, we are all continually being evaluated or rated by someone else on our performance and our actions. Exceeds Expectations turns the typical performance review model upside down. In a typical review situation the manager appears to have the power the manager is rating the employee and driving the feedback process. By using the process outlined in this book, we shift the top-down managerial approach to balance the power and responsibility in the performance review process between the manager and the employee. The manager must still be expected to lead and provide feedback, but YOU can drive the process in order to aim for YOUR vision of success. You can drive the process so your goals have a better chance of being met before, during and after the performance review. In addition, you can make the performance review process significantly easier for your manager, an action that is certain to be recognized and appreciated. Exceeds Expectations is an easy-to-read journey of step-by-step processes, exercises and personal stories resulting in a Performance Review Action Plan a personal strategy designed for you to exceed expectations in both your performance review and your career.