Experience, Reason And Faith

Experience, Reason and Faith A SURVEY IN PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION EUGENE GARRETT BEWKES, PH. D. President, St. Lawrence University HOWARD BONAR JEFFERSON, President, Clark University EUGENE TAYLOR Professor of Philosophy and Director of the School of PM oj ppy and Religio Colgate University HERMAN ARNO Professor of Philosophy, Colgate i HARPER BROTHERS PUBLISHERS NEW YORK AND LONDON EXPERIENCE, REASON AND FAITH. A SURVEY IN PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION Copyright, 1940, by Harper 6 Brothers Printed in the United States of America All rights in this book are reserved. No part of the book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address Harper Brothers To ALFRED E. ALTON Professor Emeritus of Biblical Literature Co gate University CONTENTS PREFACE xiii I. INTRODUCTION THE MIND AND RELIGION OF EARLY MAN I Characteristics of Primitive Thinking Early Forms of Reli gion A Case Study in Primitive Religion Magic and Reli gion Polytheism Summary PART I. THE HEBREW DEVELOPMENT OF RELIGION II. RELIGION OF THE HEBREWS TO THE EIGHTH CENTURY B. C. 27 Beginnings of Hebrew Life and Religion The Exodus from Egypt and the Religion of Moses Hebrew Life and Religion in Palestine Religion in Palestine to the Ninth-century Prophets The Ninth-century Prophets III. POPULAR AND PROPHETIC RELIGION BEFORE THE EXILE 59 Social and Religious Conditions in the Eighth Century B. C. Amos and Hosea Isaiah and Jeremiah IV. RELIGION OF THE EXILE AND THE FOUNDATIONS OF JUDAISM 83 Babylon and the Babylonian Exile Ezekiel The Nameless Prophet, Deutero-Isaiah Judaism After the Exile Religious and Philosophic Problems of Judaism Summary PART II. THE HISTORIC JESUS V. THE POLITICAL-RELIGIOUS ENVIRONMENT IN THE TIME OF JESUS 1 3 1 The Political Structure Political-religious Parties Major Religious Institutions The Messianic Hope at the Time of Jesus Nature of the Gospel Source Materials VI. JESUS RELATION TO CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS, AND His MAJOR TEACHINGS 157 Jesus Background and Preparation Jesus Reaction to the Political-religious Situation Jesus Conception of the Mes siah Jesus Conception of the Kingdom of God Jesus viii CONTENTS Attitude Toward the Law The Teachings of Jesus Jesus Meets Death at Jerusalem PART III. PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION AMONG THE GREEKS VII. GREEK RELIGION 203 The Greek Heritage The Greek People The Olympian Religion The Mystery Religions Religion Among the Later Poets VIII. PHILOSOPHIZING ABOUT THE NATURE OF THINGS 233 A Physical Theory of Nature A Mathematical Theory of Nature The Platonic World View A Functional Philos ophy Summary IX. PHILOSOPHIZING ABOUT THE GOOD LIFE 262 Background of Greek Ethical Thought The Ethics of Plato The Ethics of Aristotle The Stoic View of Life The Pursuit of Pleasure Epicureanism Summary PART IV. PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION IN THE GRAECO-ROMAN WORLD X. THE SITUATION AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CHRISTIAN ERA 299 Marriage of East and West Emperor Worship Roman Stoicism Religious Platonism Philo and Hellenistic Juda ism Mystery Religions Gnosticism XL THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF CHRISTIAN THOUGHT 324 Relation of First-century Christianity to Judaism Pauline Christianity and the Mysteries The Fourth Gospel The Christian Gnostics The Apostolic Fathers and the New Law The Apologists The Gnostic Heresy and the Apostles Creed The Idea of God The Arian Controversy and the Nicene Creed The Church Universal XII. TOWARD A CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY 352 The Life of Augustine Neo-Platonism Neo-Platonism and Christianity The Augustinian Synthesis The Doctrine of Man The City of God The Holy Catholic Church PART V. MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION XIII. THE MEDIEVAL THEOCRACY 385 The Growth and Theory of Papal Power The Church as CONTENTS i the Ark of Salvation The Sacramental System Medieval Other-worldliness XIV...