Experience, Reason And Faith
Цена 33.51 - 56.70 USD
Experience, Reason and Faith A SURVEY IN PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION EUGENE GARRETT BEWKES, PH. D. President, St. Lawrence University HOWARD BONAR JEFFERSON, President, Clark University EUGENE TAYLOR Professor of Philosophy and Director of the School of PM oj ppy and Religio Colgate University HERMAN ARNO Professor of Philosophy, Colgate i HARPER BROTHERS PUBLISHERS NEW YORK AND LONDON EXPERIENCE, REASON AND FAITH. A SURVEY IN PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION Copyright, 1940, by Harper 6 Brothers Printed in the United States of America All rights in this book are reserved. No part of the book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address Harper Brothers To ALFRED E. ALTON Professor Emeritus of Biblical Literature Co gate University CONTENTS PREFACE xiii I. INTRODUCTION THE MIND AND RELIGION OF EARLY MAN I Characteristics of Primitive Thinking Early Forms of Reli gion A...