Exercise in the Clincical Management of Diabetes
More and more, researchers are finding that exercise is an important component in the long-term management of diabetes. This book provides physicians, exercise physiologists, epidemiologists, and health care providers an extensive review of the literature that reveals the positive effects of exercise on people with Type I and Type 11 diabetes mellitus. The book also examines the role of exercise prescription in diabetes management. The authors help readers determine when exercise is appropriate and beneficial and present guidelines for using exercise to potentially prevent or delay the onset of the metabolic abnormalities of diabetes. In this one concise reference, readers will find complete information on metabolic, hormonal, and cardiovascular responses to exercise; optimising exercise therapy; and risks and benefits associated with exercise as a clinical management technique. Because Type I and Type II diabetes have such different characteristics, this book considers each separately. In addition to a complete review of the etiology and pathology of both types, readers will find in-depth information about how acute exercise and physical training affect each type.