Savage Whisper

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780812538861


By 1852, Kentucky had grown too tame for trader Austin Wells, and when he got a letter from his uncle promising him a job with the American Fur Trading Company, he wasted no time heading for Fort Benton, on the upper reaches of the Missouri. But greenhorns have to prove themselves quickly in a land where man can be more treacherous than the elements and a life can be bought and sold for a jug of whiskey. With a few supplies and no friends, Wells is forced to work with his uncle, a hired bushwhacker, who burns out competing traders for "The Company." Their first raid is foiled by Eagle"s Shadow Woman, whose power as a warrior is feared and respected by all Indians in the region. Wells escapes with his life, but he cannot forget the beauty and ferocity of the woman who almost killed him--or figure out a way to see her again.