How Animals Move
Price 13.69 - 16.54 USD
Starting with the aching, forlorn solo violin of Clare Mactaggart on "Absolute Beauty Is an Absolute Curse" and winding its way slowly through 13 songs, How Animals Move is filled with melodies that are by turns childlike and melancholy. Tunes move at a languid pace, interspersed periodically with monotone vocals (Does De Wolf on "Shrunken Man") and narrations (David Donahue on "Bernadette") that add emotional blankness and resignation. The title cut lurches about as if played by a slightly drunken but stately mariachi band, while "Florida Recount" ends with a high-pitched, dissonant wail over somber guitar chords. The final selection, a bawdy "Airplane Blues" sung with ripe fervor by PJ Harvey, stands in stark contrast to the other music on the disc. Her passionate delivery, sung with tongue held lustily in cheek, virtually explodes with life-affirming emotions. --Wally Shoup