Three (Lyrics included with album)
Price 12.89 - 15.55 USD
"Here’s another lovely day / When you feel lightness" Archer Prewitt sings on "Another Day," one of this album"s 14 cuts. Those lines nicely sum up Three"s plush pop vibe. The disc"s highly melodious, exquisitely arranged songs draw from "60s and "70s pop, but manage to retain their own identity. The Chicago-based composer/multi-instrumentalist orchestrates guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, strings, horns, and other instruments in extraordinarily delicate and tasteful ways. Paul Mertens"s flute playing makes a number of welcome appearances and female backup vocals grace several tracks. Prewitt shows restraint in his musical layering; a hovering organ chord or a lone cymbal tap richly resonates in this highly refined context. Prewitt makes airy music, but his lovely indie pop is never lite. Whenever a song flirts with blandness, some impossibly rich and intoxicating instrumental texture is sure to emerge. And Prewitt"s production perfectly integrates his sweet vocal timbre into the just-right instrumental settings. Three provides the delicious pleasures of pure pop. --Fred Cisterna