Cask & Cream Original Temptation 750ML
... a smooth, easy-to-drink cream liqueur made from blending E&J with rich, imported cream liqueur to give it a uniquely delicious flavor. The Brandy flavor provides lingering delights of vanilla and butterscotch, enriched with velvety, Dutch cream liqueur. Scott Disalvo, Brandymaster. Alcohol Level: 17. Cask & Cream is a great tasting, indulgent, award-winning cream liqueur that can be consumed for many occasions.. Served mainly as or with dessert. It can be sipped on its own, or has the versatility to be used in an assortment of food and drink recipes. As a beverage, Cask & Cream can be enjoyed by itself, over ice, or blended in various drink recipes. Common uses include mixing it with coffee, other distilled spirits and liqueurs, milk and cream. Cask & Cream can also be a complement to your favorite cake, pie or ice cream recipe.Cask & Cream is a versatile drink that can be enjoyed by straight, over ice, blended with ice, in coffee, over ice-cream, or in a wide variety of drink & dessert recipes. Liquor