Children"s Play and the Socio-Cultural Nature ofSubjectivity: Understanding children"s psychological processes incollectively guided (inter)subjective settings.
Price 53.44 - 134.43 USD
book24.ru53.44 USD
This book accounts for the (inter) subjectivecoordination and regulation of oneâ¿¿s subjectivity. While examining the unfolding and development ofchildren"s subjectivity in contexts of play I addressthe following questions: how can the developingperson be influenced(and yet be autonomous)bysocio-cultural actions-systems that are contextspecific? Following that, how do social systems ofactions, while influencing the person"s actions,become subjective? Through a careful analysis of theinterplay between collectively guided intersubjectivesettings of interactions (childrenâ¿¿s homes and apreschool setting)and the childâ¿¿s personalconstruction of such settings, I aimed atunderstanding the social genesis of one"ssubjectivity. Analytically, I anchored on a triadicsystem (childrenâ¿¿s interactions, sociodramatic games,and significations) to the explanation of themachinery of subjectivity. This book should helpshed some light on general patterns underpinning thefunctioning of the subjectivity in contexts of play,and should be especially useful to early childhoodeducators, teachers, as well as to developmental andclinical psychologists.