Rembrandt (Classic Reprint)

Price 8.14 - 17.25 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781440062230


Producer Forgotten Books

Pages 180

Year of production 2010

Portrait of Rembrandt. Buckingham Palace Portrait of Saskia. Dresden Gallery Before the title-page. Fig. I. Rembrandt aux trois moustaches. Etching I ager 2. Rembrandt smother. Etching .2 3. Rembrandt smother. Etching .,, 24. Rembrandt with staring eyes. Etching ,, 55. Man with a bald head. Etching .,, 36. Man with a wide-brimmed hat. Etching 47. Old man with a high cap. Etching 48. A pair of beggars. Etching ,, 59. Woman with a gourd. Etching ,. 510. Man with a fur cap. Etching ,, 611. Rembrandt sfather. Cassel Gallery .7 12. A beggar. Etching 813. A peasant. Etching ;,,8 14. The Holy Family. Munich Gallery ,, 915. Portrait of a Pole. St. Petersburg ,, 11 16. A fight. Etching n12 17. Judah, Jacob and Benjamin. Drawing, Vienna ,, I3 18. Diana andE ndymion. Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna ,,14 19. Rembrandt ssister. Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna ,, I5 20. The Anatomy Lesson. The Hague ,,17 21. One of the audience, from the Anatomy Lesson ,1 18 22 Three of the audience, from the Anatomy Lesson ,, 19 23. Dr. Tulp lecturing, from the Anatomy Lesson ,,20 24. A man mending a pen. Cassel Gallery ,,21 25. The Persian. Etching ,22 26. The seller of rats bane. Etching ,,23 27. The blind fiddler. Etching ,,23 28. St. Jerome praying. Etching ,,24 29. The largeR aising of Lazarus. Etching ,,25 30. The Good Samaritan. Etching ,,26 31. The Flight into Egypt. Etching ,,27 32. Rembrandt with a scarf. Etching ,,28 33. Adverse Fortune. Etching ,, 29 34. Jan Comelis Silvius. Etching n30 35. Jan Harmensz Krul. Cassel Gallery ,, 31 36. The Ship-builder. Buckingham Palace ,,32 37. Burgomaster Pancras and his wife.(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don"t occur in the book.)About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books" Classic Reprint Series utilizes the late